Align business-specific KPIs with organisational strategy through multiple, tailored online performance plans. Streamline and automate the performance management process using self service access and workflows.

Ensure that workforce potential can be appraised and developed as part of the strategic decision making process.

Effective performance management tools are vital to both staff development and business growth.


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Ready to cascade your company KPI's?


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Comprehensive performance management tools

Real time access to employee performance data

Highly configurable to align with your processes

Online delivery maximises employee engagement


Automates and optimises your review process

Data is stored online for instant access

Create opportunities for regular, focussed conversations

Focuses productivity on corporate objectives

Design reviews to suit your business

Deployed with a comprehensive set of tools to cascade and measure individual and team objectives, you are free to design appraisal steps that meet your process requirements. Measure what really matters to your business to motivate, retain and develop your talent. Appraisal becomes an ongoing conversation that maximises employee engagement and productivity.

Manager and team member reviewing performance document in a meeting.

No more paper

Managing the employee review process via a web-interface removes the reliance on paper-based processes. Data captured is immediately available for review and can be accessed by Human Capital Intelligence for in-depth trend analysis. 

Review content can be retained and shared, and complete libraries of templates, objectives and measures can be created for re-use.

Person reviewing bar graphical output on a laptop screen. Coffee cup on desk.

Drive Productivity

By cascading objectives throughout the organisation, everyone is focused on their part of the big picture. Automation ensures timely review of progress against KPI's and informs decision making. A consistent view of goals and measures provides for a focussed, productive workforce.


Smiling woman leaning against a wall with a board room in background.